This week, we took time to highlight the Celebrate Recovery program that is launching right now in our community. BFAC has the privilege of hosting the event, but it is a collaboration of Christ-followers from at least four local congregations. The program is NOT just for addicts, and it is not just for non-Christians. In fact, as the pastor contends, the full benefit of CR can only be enjoyed if you are already born-again. Jesus breaks our chains to sin once and for all, and we receive that deliverance once and for all when we put our faith in him. But often, we do not let go of our chains; we keep carrying them. Using another analogy, God plants a seed in us, and only HE can make good things grow, but it is a big job to make room for that growth by "weeding" the hurts, habits and hang-ups out of His way. Celebrate Recovery is meant for anyone who knows that there is something in their lives which is keeping them from giving themselves fully to the life God has called them to live!