
Job 31:1-4; Matt. 5:27-29; 1Tim. 2:8-10; 1Pet. 3:3-4; Prov. 31:30-31

Beauty is everywhere in the summer time - both the beauty that God intends us to enjoy, and beauty which is counterfeit, which both men and women ought not to put much stake on. This message is a gentle reminder to both men and women. For men, it is a reminder that we CAN, through Christ in us, resist the temptation to take the second lustful glance at women who are dressing to be noticed. For women, it is a reminder that no make-up artist or fashion designer can compete with the kind of beauty which God can cause to emanate from and permeate the woman of virtue. Counterfeit beauty is fleeting and devouring; true beauty is unfading and life-giving. Let God's people not settle for the cheap "knock-offs" when there is so much true beauty to enjoy this summer!