The Pastor began by introducing the children to a "snail world" in a giant glass jar. He used this to make a comparison. We might suppose that our human realm is more real, or at least more complex, than this little man-made snail ecosystem. That same line of reasoning, though, would force us to conclude that the spiritual world, if it exists at all, would have to be at least as real as our world, and possibly more, since their power of comprehension and influence is far beyond our own. Drawing from online resources called the "Bible Project," Trevor introduces a short series on the Biblical teaching about spiritual beings in the heavenly realm. We learn that our world is like a theater for God's glory and wisdom, and the spiritual beings are all around us - and possibly among us! Trevor briefly compares the video illustration with the Bible's cosmology of the earthly realm surrounded by three progressively greater spheres of "heaven." He also introduces the term "Babylon" as the Bible's type-word to describe every human being's natural pursuit to be god of their own reality. This sermon probably produces more questions than answers, but that is why it is merely an introduction to a series!