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Mt. 23:1-2; Mk. 12:17; Hb. 13:17; 1Pt. 2:13-14; Rm. 13:1-2

Questions arose after five local pastors committed a minor, but public, infraction of the COVID-19 gathering ban. Recognizing the complexity of the question of civil obedience, Pastor Trevor used this as a spring-board into a short series on Authority in the Bible. Numerous passages indicate that civil obedience should be the "norm" for believers. And yet, almost every hero of our faith, during and after Bible times, found him/herself in situations where obedience to God demanded violation of earthly authority. To make sense of this seeming contradiction, this series will summarize the various kinds of authority discussed in Scripture, in the following order: Sovereign authority (God), Christ's authority (which manifests in numerous ways), Satan's authority, and human authority of various types. The series is intended to equip the saints with biblical discernment as we the Christian life becomes ever more rejected by the general Canadian society.

The link for this service's video can be found at this link: